The Southern Baptist Convention rejected use of an iconic Southern emblem, the Confederate battle flag still commonly seen in the South, because it is for many representative of slavery and ongoing racism against African Americans. The resolution states: “We call our brothers and sisters in Christ to discontinue the display of the Confederate battle flag as a sign of solidarity of the whole Body of Christ, including our African-American brothers and sisters.” Read…
High Stakes, Higher Calling by Meredith Flynn
The stakes are high, Southern Baptist Convention President Ronnie Floyd declared to Southern Baptists gathered in St. Louis. And perhaps they’ve never been higher. Christians are being martyred around the world. Refugees are fleeing for their lives. There are still thousands of people groups unreached with the gospel, but limited funds required the SBC this year to reduce its missions force by more than 1,000. Read…
‘We’re losing our country’
“The only hope for the United States of America is the Almighty God,” evangelist Franklin Graham told a crowd estimated at 6,000 in front of the Illinois State Capitol. “I have no hope in the Democratic Party, and I have no hope in the Republican Party,” Graham said, in a speech urging increased Christian involvement in the election process. He endorsed no candidate, but called on Christians to pray and vote. Read…
More churches, fewer baptisms
The Southern Baptist Convention added more churches in 2015, due mostly to church planting efforts. Churches also experienced an increase in total giving. However, according to the Annual Church Profile report compiled by LifeWay Christian Resources in cooperation with state conventions, other key measures declined, including membership, average worship attendance, baptisms, and missions giving. Read…