Mt. Vernon, IL | The boys and girls at one Illinois Baptist church’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) enjoyed a little friendly competition raising offering funds through the sweetness of lemonade and cookies before bringing on the goo. The gooey, sticky, greenness of slime. Whoever raised the most funds would win the privilege of “sliming” their pastor.
Logan Street Baptist Church in Mt. Vernon held its VBS from July 19-25 with more than 150 kids in attendance each? night. Kathy Atchison, a church member, shared in an email to the Illinois Baptist, that it was “a week full of fun, learning, and lots of laughter.”
It’s not surprising that the church enjoyed the week so much. VBS has been playing a vital role in Southern Baptist life since the 1920s. Lifeway reports it accounts for roughly 25% of baptisms in Southern Baptist churches. It also has eternal consequences. Nationally, every one person trained in VBS results in 1.1 salvation decisions.
One of the highlights of Logan Street’s VBS wrote Atchison was, “A super-determined group of young ladies [who] took it to the next level by setting up a lemonade stand in their neighborhood. They sold homemade cookies and lemonade, and guess what? They raised over $550!”
At the end of the week the girls’ team won the opportunity to slime Pastor Steve Lyles, who appeared to be a good sport about the whole thing.
According to Atchison, the money raised will go towards Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child and community programs. She offered, “A huge thank you to all the kids, parents, and community members who helped make this year’s VBS a huge success.”
Lifeway is seeking data to better understand the reach of VBS and use of their curriculum. If your church hosted VBS using Lifeway curriculum this summer, you’re asked to participate in this survey.
On October 26 IBSA is hosting a Kids Ministry Conference at the IBSA Building in Springfield that will include a 2025 VBS Preview with Lifeway’s Melita Thomas. The first 25 VBS directors who register will receive a free VBS Directors Kit. Find out more, including how you can register here.