Marion | Jeremy Hamson, pastor of Belle Rive Missionary Baptist Church, was named 2023 Bivocational Pastor of the Year at the IBSA Pastors Conference November 7. Hamson was selected by the state’s Associational Mission Strategists after nominations were received from local Baptist associations across Illinois.
“Diamonds have four C’s,” Bob Burton, AMS of Salem South Association said, but so does ministry. Burton pointed to calling, character, competency, and compatibility. “Jeremy has all of these C’s,” he said. Burton noted his own connection to the church over several decades. “It has been so cool to see how God has used him through all these years.”
Hamson has served Belle Rive Church while working in agriculture as a seed representative for a large region. “Our church family are pretty awesome,” Hamson said. “I’ve been their pastor 19 years, and sometimes I’m surprised they keep me around.”
Hamson thanked his family as the award was presented by IBSA Executive Director Nate Adams. “My dad was a bivo pastor all his life, and I probably learned more from than anybody else,” he said.
Hamson and his wife, Dawn, have two children, Maggie and Noah.