Carbondale | When Phil Nelson walks on a university campus, he is always looking for a student to talk with about Jesus. His game plan is simple. He and a few students and friends set up a circle of camp chairs with a sandwich board sign. The sign offers, “Ask me two questions about God […]
Finding new ways to mobilize church networks
Springfield | Association leaders from around Illinois gathered at the IBSA building August 5-6 to talk shop and collaborate on ministry. Leo Endel, Executive Director of the Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention shared how he leads churches and associations through a fairly simple planning process to set goals and redirect future ministry activities. Associational Mission Strategists (AMS) […]
Illinois DR teams aid volunteers in neighboring states
Bettendorf, Iowa | Illinois Baptists reached out to officials with the Iowa convention to offer help as they are rebuilding their disaster relief teams. In the first shared event, 39 people were trained in disaster relief ministry at First Baptist Church, Bettendorf, on February 24. This was a joint training for Illinois Baptist State Association […]
One church, 60 years: The inspiration of Edmund Hill
Ramsey | In many parts of Illinois, there are pastors who have stayed in their churches for 15, maybe 20 years. And some longer than that, like maybe 25. But few have stayed 60 years. Edmund Hill, age 88, has been the pastor of Bayle City Baptist Church since 1963, more than 60 years now. He […]
‘Guam Strong’ recovery leans on cooperation
Guam | For the people of Guam, just a few weeks after Typhoon Mawar hit the island in May, it appeared that people had forgotten about the damage and their ongoing need. But for Southern Baptist Disaster Relief, the work was just beginning. And for Jennifer Smith, an Illinois Baptist Disaster Relief (IBDR) volunteer from […]