In 2014, in a desperate attempt to fix its budget deficit, Flint, Mich., switched its water supply from the Detroit River to an alternative source. Soon after the switch, it was discovered that the new water source was contaminated with toxins—toxins that had been pumped into the water systems of every household in Flint. “As […]
Not alone: Summit gathers 1,000 church leaders for learning, encouragement, and reminder of shared mission
With their common calling in mind, more than 1,000 leaders from 13 Midwest states gathered in Springfield Jan. 23-25 at the Midwest Leadership Summit, a meeting organized every three years by Southern Baptist state conventions in the region. Read…
Communicating with the next generation
Gen-Z, those born between 1995 and the present, has its own language and way of communicating. How can we connect? Read…
Feeding the family ;‘Generational discipleship’ sets the table for a new approach to family ministry.
“Ministers need to de-emphasize themselves as the spiritual leader and be intentional about how they can set mom and dad up for wins,” author, Ron Hunter said Read…