Q: Our church is really trying to reach young people and families. I am neither. I agree we need to reach the next generation, but what about the spiritual needs of my generation? A: A church should never look at their mission field with a “them or me” attitude. Our responsibility is to share the […]
Let your light ‘so shine;’ Summer camps kick off with more weeks for kids, teens
IBSA’s summer camps kick off June 9, with more weeks for children and students to experience camp in northern and southern Illinois, plus a totally new camp for teens. Read…
Surrendered life
From his book, “Discerning Your Call to Ministry,” Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary President Jason K. Allen offers insight on ministry, calling, and Christian education. Read…
IBSA board reports Property decisions and renovations
The March 28 meeting of the IBSA Board of Directors was a celebration of ministry being done through the lands and facilities of the Association around Illinois. Read…
Dave Ramsey: Saving vs. paying; Working from home
Dave answers questions about paying off your mortgage and places to look for work you can do from home. Read…