My wife, Jeanette, has walked with a slight limp for as long as I have known her. She has had joint issues that required her to exercise caution when moving about. For years, some degree of numbness has been present in her hands and feet. Earlier attempts to identify and correct these matters were not […]
Dreams lost, assurance found in tornado-ravaged Kentucky
(Editor’s note: Brent Cloyd made two trips to Kentucky after the December tornado that left 77 people dead, serving with the Disaster Relief team from Greater Wabash Baptist Association. There he found hurt, hope, and promises from God holding fast. He offered these reflections.) The churches of our association were generous in their efforts to […]
Personal resurrection
Matthew 28 takes us to the first Sunday morning after the crucifixion. Two days prior, the disciples and friends of Jesus had witnessed his brutal execution and saw his body placed in the tomb. Many of them had restructured their lives in order to follow Jesus. They had found pride in being a part of […]
Serving the crucified Christ
Filled with hate, ignorant of truth, lacking in faith, and void of righteousness, the Jews had plotted to kill Jesus. Rome took ownership of their plot and made a statement of their authority in the act of crucifixion. In the course of less than 24 hours, Jesus was arrested, accused, lied about, cursed, and beaten. […]
Who’s in your boat?
Jesus had spent all day teaching the crowds through parables. In what probably was a more tiring task in a more private setting, he explained those parables to his disciples. At the end of the day, he was tired and needed a break from the crowds. So at his insistence, they got into a boat […]