Edwardsville | In a town proud of its Route 66 heritage, thousands gather every year to celebrate what John Steinbeck called “the Mother Road.” For more than 20 years, Edwardsville’s annual Route 66 festival at City Park has offered visitors fun, food, and classic cars. What was missing, realized church planter Rayden Hollis, was a […]
Longform Articles
Not alone: Summit gathers 1,000 church leaders for learning, encouragement, and reminder of shared mission
With their common calling in mind, more than 1,000 leaders from 13 Midwest states gathered in Springfield Jan. 23-25 at the Midwest Leadership Summit, a meeting organized every three years by Southern Baptist state conventions in the region. Read…
2018: What to watch; Some events from last year offer insight on issues facing evangelicals and church leaders
If evangelicalism is having an identity crisis, the issue is whether “evangelical” means a person’s theological beliefs and practice, or adherence to a conservative political movement; let’s look at how evangelicals balanced belief and practice this year. Read…
Going home again: An unexpected reunion with their former pastor sent retired missionaries to a beloved place, and a new calling
Kathy Deasy shares the story of returning to Brazil after 11 years to lead a team as they provided medical clinics in villages, attending to physical needs and sharing the gospel with each person coming through. Read…
Here’s where it all began…but where will it end? Our differences are theological and generational—and growing.
Baptists have roots in the Reformation, but often hold with varying degrees of conviction to the five points of doctrine most closely associated with Reformed theology, or Calvinism. Read…